Monday, October 8, 2012

why share?

Sharing. That's what blogs and Facebooks and Twitters are all about. Sharing something of yourself for others to see.

Why do we do it? 

I don't claim to know all the answers even for why I do it, let alone others. But maybe it has to do with weaving. I weave a community by the words and pictures I share. I create a reality, a story, a world into which others can enter and become part of my story, as I become part of theirs. And so as I share something of what is important to me, I also partcipate in weaving fine webs that hold people together, connected to  one another.

To my amazement I keep finding that even the kind of "lightweight" sharing that takes place in FB actually creates a platform for friendship to happen and to be maintained active. There are people who write about their mundane life so interestingly taht even my dull and normal days get gilded with humor through their experiences.

Lately I have also become aware what a potent way of encouragement  this sharing is. In following some of my friends blogs and FB updates I have found what the old Italian saying talks about:
                                         Mal comune - mezzo gaudio!

Even the greatest pain and the saddest sadness actually get less heavy to bear when you know that someone is going through the same, or that at least they (try to) understand, or are at least willing to read/listen what you have to share. 

I think we were created to go through life together,  sharing stuff  - and that's why we do it!

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