Saturday, March 5, 2011

inhabitant of the Morning Star!

Today I'm moving to an apartment which I have chosen on my own, for the first time ever! I really like the place and the house is called Morning Star!!!!! The house is old, built in 1907 and it is under the protection of The National Board of Antiquities ( which, they state on their website, preserves Finland’s material cultural heritage).

Funnily, it feels like a "one small step for a (wo)man, a giant leap for mankind" . It makes me feel young, inexperienced and exited, all at the same time. I feel standing at the threshold of a great adventure, expecting new & wonderful things to dawn (well, yea, what else if one lives in/on a Morning Star?). I'm finding myself doing things I didn't know I could! And I SO enjoy the sense of freedom that brings. I still can't hammer nails, and don't quite know how to use a drill... but a year from now? just watch-out, I just might become the next female version of Bob the builder:

But before I can get to all that new and exiting stuff, I will have to haul a truckload of my things to the Morning Star, and so the mundane meets the ephemeral: so like the first Moon-walker, I need to do something very concrete to walk into my Morning Star: a giant step, a quantum leap into my wonderful future, so I'm hitting the road right now!