Thursday, October 28, 2010

Here and now: remember

You know these dead moments when nothing seems to happen? When you're waiting but can't do anything because you do not know how long the wait will be? Then you maybe start fretting and fuming wishing it was over, wishing you'd already be in the next phase/day/room/level...

A friend of mine has a beautiful habit of posing the glass on the table for a few seconds after toasting to say, "I remember you, here, now!" That way not even a simple toast passes unnoticed, un-celebrated... and what is important is not the yet-not-here-thing but the here and now.

I'm doing that now, waiting for the truck to come and carry the tangible evidence my life in Italy away... not with a glass of wine in my hand, but just sitting here in the midst of boxes, in a half empty kitchen, not just looking back but looking at the here and now and saying, "This moment I want to cherish and remember".

Io ti ricordo qua adesso!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Of Poverty, Perception and Deception

I have been thinking lately a lot about letting go and its connection to the perception of poverty. I'm not talking about absolute poverty, where the means of survival are seriously compromised (lack of food/water/oxygen), but of perceived poverty of all sorts.

If I think I'm poor, I will see myself as needy, look for anyone/anything to fill my gap and therefore open myself up to all sorts of snares...

How many people for example think they are lacking in beauty, and therefore are open to all sorts of advertised products, phony diets and flattery, without actually coming to terms with the fact that the first step to beauty comes from within!

If I think I'm under-appreciated, I will easily fall pray to being critical and become envious and stingy with my praise, because I think that I should be receiving not giving... and yet, it is a form of slavery!

It is easy, but it is still a skewered view of reality, to see oneself as the eternal victim of a zero sum game, where everything somebody else has is somehow taken from me leaving me with less simply because somebody else has it.

Life is abundant and generous! There is more in this world than what we actually need, more of love, more of light, more of friendship, more of being honored... we live in a surplus world where generosity leads to inner health and strength more than hoarding ever will.

Also, I think there is a distinction to be made between lacking and being poor. I can be lacking many things (time, sleep, money, handcream, smiles, patience), but that doesn't mean I'm poor. I might not have all that I want, but still I'm not poor. I become poor the moment I allow my lack to define me.

And that will open me up for deception of many kinds, because it is based on un-truth, unreality. The reality is that I can afford to be generous, even in the midst of my lack, because being stingy will not give me anything either, whereas generosity and abundance is built in the very fibre of the universe as one of its key principles... think of the amount of sunsets, and seeds, and stars, and trees and rivers and dust particles and sperm cells: there is simply an overflow of stuff!

The antidote to hoarding, the key to letting go, the key to generosity is found in perceiving myself as provided for, as a have and not as a have-not! Not denying the lack, but not allowing it to define me either... It seems that sometimes the only way to change how I see myself in this respect is by being generous... NOW!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Decided to start blogging for the simple reason that not all can be aired on FB. Maybe this can be a sort of an open diary... we'll see :)

I chose the name for my blog from Shakespeare (Ariels song in the Tempest starting "Full fathoms five..."), and I love the definition of sea change:

1. a striking change, as in appearance, often for the better.
2. any major transformation or alteration.
3. a transformation brought about by the sea.
I think that of all of them I'm definitely in for number one and number two isn't too bad either...

My life is in such a stage of change that it is diccicult to know how all this will end, what the outcome will be, but the name I chose as my middle name for FB, Chrysalis, describes what I I'm aiming for: what once was an earthbound little caterpillar will be an airborne thing of beauty :)
Whether it will be visible for outside observers is another thing...

Thinking about change, it's one of those tension things: too much of it and you become a rootless, anxiety filled drifter and too little of it and one just hardens into this rock like formation, defending itself by rigidity. It is as if we were meant to have enough stability to give us the courage to change and to chart unexplored seas ... but not so much that the stability of mutable things defines us.

I so like these quotes I found concerning change and letting go:

‎"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us"
Joseph Campbell

"Letting go isn't about giving up. It's about accepting that there are things that cannot be." Author unknown

Change becomes difficult if I am holding on to everything I have, if I consider myself so poor that I do not dare to lose even a nugget of what I have amassed, be it material or more intangible things.

So in this blog I want to explore and share what this seachange brings... the best is yet to come!