Sunday, April 14, 2013

messy, tidy and tolerance

I'm not the tidiest person in the world. Nor am the messiest, but probably I have a higher tolerance for clutter and apparent mess than many of my friends. I'm not bothered by messy homes, mine or those of my friends (after all, I'm more interested in them than in their houses). Dirty clothes/floors/bathrooms bother me, messy don't. Also, if I ever visit your home, I will not criticize you for your home not being in perfect order, nor will I be offended if you visiting me feel an irressistible urge to organize my things/kitchen/cupboard.

Only recently have I realized that this is actually a gift in disguise, or rather the flip side of a gift.
I am also good at seeing structure underlying an apparent chaos; I can see patterns emerging and similarities popping up easily, unfazed by the clutter that might surround them. I'm  delight in spotting talent and beauty in all sorts of places, again not bothred by the disorder around them.  

I like having people in my home, regardless of the mess they make. And just like I can see the order that one day will be even in my house, so, in the lives of many, I can see structure, talent and beautiful patterns even when they are still buried underneath a lot of immature chaos. The downside of this all is, alas, also a very present reality: do I tolerate the present chaos simply because I childishly believe one day it will be no more, simply because I can see what it could be? 

As always, beauty might lie in the eye of the beholder...  and sometimes order too!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A New Season

It seems like with the turning of the year also the season has changed.

No longer is it the season for goodbyes and mourning, but the tide has turned, Aslan has roared and this will be made new!

It is a season of welcome! So welcome new directions, welcome new experiences, welcome new people into my life, welcome change!

As a tangible sign of this, my time at the Morning Star (see nears its end, and I will move to an apartment that has been in my family from before I was born. In fact, my Dad used to live there when he was child.
So the new and the old are once more blended together, resulting in a visible/tangible example of all-things-made-new!

With this move, it feels as if my wandering years are over,  and that I will have a more stable base than I have had in years. Yet, it doesn't seem that  would be confined by this stability, rather the opposite. Having a base I will be free to come and to go, and still find pasture :)

So, goodbye Morning Star and hello new life!